This blog is about computer software (and other things that come to mind to keep it interesting) --- my fascination with it as something with an almost "divine" potential, almost in the same way I see music. Also, it's a glimpse into something that is probably foreign to you and that you wouldn't know about otherwise. Somewhere in the dark corners where I hide. You see I am the last philosopher. And the only reason why I allow this at all is because I made a kind of mistake in my life and also realized kabbalah (which made clear to me that whatever I'm doing in this life, however solemn, is relatively unimportant), so interesting turn of events since I deviated from my path to the stars and ended up here. I'm shamelessly promoting myself until I'm capable of an old seriousness and can look back on this to see what it meant. (also to try blogging and experimenting with socializing a bit to see what I'd not have any other way or reason to find out about)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Windows 7 Starter Edition

So i got a netbook.  It has Windows 7 Starter Edition.  now if you know anything about it you know it's not good.  maybe you don't think it's so bad but what it gets me thinking about is how everything that's profit minded is such that it compromises the quality of things and because such minds are predominant in the world it lowers the quality of life for everyone.  instead of preventing users from being able to change their desktop wallpapers Microsoft should focus more on creating a variety of uniquely defined editions and create a sense of abundance.  trying to sell at every turn strips the product of some quality and keeps it from being something you can identify with.  why is everything a calculation of profit?  this clearly makes more sense.

1 comment:

  1. Widows 7 really sucks for netbook, so much ram consuming and stuff, the first I did when I bought mine is was install linux on it.
