This is the first
part of a series of posts about "what's decisive about life." I realized that my nature is to turn things
down, and restructure them as I move through life and consider the various
opinions the masses reiterate in different forms as they evolve, after I
finished watching something I do admit is amazing in the TED conference here. Despite its heartwarming story I know that
technology in general is something of a complication and will not make the
quality of life better [here & here]
(though it might expand its length of time), and all things that complicate are
already symptoms of a divided nature, and will in turn overwhelm us. Why isn't there as much or much more focus on
health? On what to eat? I've found that
eating healthy affects the body in such a way that it creates a sensation of
happiness, where because of so much ignorance about that there are people who
think the reason they feel so unfulfilled is because of circumstances in their
lives. It could be that they simply
don't have the enthusiasm to deal with those circumstances, and that that's why
they've gotten progressively worse, especially considering how things are set
up in life: shi*ty parents, a system that encourages slavishness, and a kind of
slave existence to things that don't matter to you, which forces you into
cycles of compensating for that, which leads to fast food. Yes I know that you don't have to see it in
such a negative light, but when it starts at the beginning (the bad parents;
the lack of guidance) it is inevitable, and that's how it is for most people. I see great value in teaching people to eat
I just wanted to point out that the only reason why he's able to think that about
god is because he's alive, while anyone else who didn't have a seal just died.
That TED link was amazing.